Important Units Conversion
1 Grain = 0.036571428571429 (or .037 if rounded off) drams
1 dram = 27.3437499999997 grains
1.5 drams = 41.0156249999995 grains
2 drams = 54.6874999999994 grains
2.5 drams 68.3593749999992 grains
3 drams 82.0312499999991 grains
1 dram = 82.0312499999991 ou
20 grams weighs 0.125 ounces (1/8th)
1 ounce = 8 drams
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 dram = 27.344 grains
density of lead is 11.34 gram/cc
1 gram = 15.4324 grains
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 meter = 39.37 inches, 3.28 feet and 1.09361329833771 yards
1 yard = 0.9144 meters
pi = 3.14159
Volume of a sphere = 4/3pi R3 (4/3 x pi x radius of sphere cubed)
Radius of a sphere = cube root of (3Volume/4 pi)
Volume x density = weight