I ordered a set of twenty-three Prismacolor Premier colored pencils and thought I’d tell you what was in the box since it wasn’t listed on the site I ordered the box from. It contains eighteen softcore colored pencils and five Verithin pencils. The Verithins are for making very fine hard lines and the softcore for general coloring. The colors are:
White PC[PrismaColor]938
Cream PC914
LemonYellow PC915
Peach PC927
SunBurstYellow PC917
PaleVermilion PC921
ProcessRed PC994
PoppyRed PC922
Lavender PC934
HotPink PC993
ParmaViolet PC1008
UltraMarine PC902
CloudBlue PC1023
ElectricBlue PC1040
Chartreuse PC989
SpringGreen PC913
LightUmber PC941
Black PC935
and the Verithins (distinguished by their hexagonal shape instead of round) are:
Tuscan Red 746 1/2
Indigo Blue 741
Cool Grey 70%
Dark Brown 746
Black 747
I haven’t used them yet, but this seems to be a very good palette to begin with. The creme and peach could be used for light caucasian skin tones. The lemon yellow is the cool yellow and the sunburst the warm. The vermillion is a warm red, the process red a magenta, the poppy a dark red, the hot pink a medium darkness pink, the lavender light bluish pink, the parma a light violet, the ultramarine a dark rich blue, the cloud a cyan, the electric a medium blue, the chartreuse a medium cool green, the spring a yellow-green for the warm, and the light umber a cool brown. I think they should have included a wider variety of browns, but the dark brown and tuscan red verithins would probably suffice for warmer browns. The indigo verithin is a dark violet and the cool grey a darkish grey. Overall I think this is a great starter palette. I would recommend getting a couple of blender pencils also and some erasers (probably putty kind and regular pink kind) and maybe some white pastel pencils or white gouche for doing very strong highlights.