The animated movie “The Hobbit” which was released in 1977 was beautifully done and was one of the reasons I wanted to study art. Here are a couple of pictures I worked up based on some of the art. The first is a dwarf. I did a quick render for the face and threw in some plain color for the hair and clothing. Not cast shadows or anything so I would need some work to bring it up to standard, but it’s an old piece. The second is a watercolor study I did of Bilbo with some notes for the coloring. It’s really important to do small color studies, especially when working in watercolor, as corrections in that medium are very difficult and never look very good.
Bible Verse of the Day
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
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Jeremiah Said This
- All measurements are taken by simple division. - Read before you speak. - Art is composition - Every man is made in the image of God. And every murder is a blasphemy.