I recently put together a metal model kit that and enjoyed it. I photographed the process so I could share it with everyone and let you know if these metal models are worth the time and money. I think that they are. They include the tools you need to finish the project, they are enjoyable and do not take a lot of time, and they are more durable than plastic models, and there is no smelly headache inducing model glue or enamel paint and thinner involved. Those are probably some of the reasons these metal models are becoming pretty popular. I’ve done two of them now. A scorpion and this mantis. Now that I have both I will force them to fight to the death. If you look at online retailers like amazon.com you will find a large selection of metal models made by many companies, but I’ve only done ones from this company so far so I do not know about the quality of others or if they include the necessary tools, but I like these and these do.