Here you’ll find tips for recording and editing audio and video.
If you have a Canon FS100 you can transfer videos to the computer without removing the card from the camera using the cords which come with it. You’ll need both the power cord and the USB cord. The USB cable uses something other than a standard size to connect to the camera. They call it the FC-400PCU USB Cable. And the power cord is marked Canon CA-590. Anyway; plug the power into the camera, plug the camera by way of USB to the computer and rotate the button on the back until it points to camera playback (third symbol down which is the first blue symbol) power on the camera and your computer will recognize the usb has been activated and you can pull the videos off without a card reader. :)
Another little tip is that you can use your FS100 as a webcam in Linux if you have the BlackMagic video capture device and download the Blackmagic Design drivers and suite.
Then extract the file – go to the directory the deb files are in (64 or 32 bit) with the terminal. Do a “sudo apt-get update” and then a “sudo apt-get install dkms” then a “sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic” or instead of generic “” or whatever version or sometimes “sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic” will work. Then “sudo apt-add-repository “deb xenial main universe” then “sudo apt-get update” then “sudo apt-get install libpng12-0” now you can FINALLY install the software with… “sudo dpkg -i *.deb” and you’ll be good to go. Serious pain getting those dependencies which primarily are the header sources, the dkms, and the libpng which is NOT part of the standard repository requiring you to add a repository first then run an update to install it. Such a pain. Now you can use the software.