These are some paintings I have available for sale. Email me to make an offer and to set up payment and shipping. I may move these sales to an online auction site but they are here for now. If you want a custom painting I am always willing to work with you on one. I can work from digital photos or traditional prints of photos sent to me regardless of where you are as long as they are of good quality and large enough to be seen clearly. Just email me to ask me about a project.
The first is a painting is an unauthorized portrait of Chen Guangcheng, the famed blind lawyer who exposed abortions being forced upon mothers by the Chinese government. He was persecuted by the murderous communists and is now safe in America, but his family still suffers. All monies from the sale of this painting will go directly to which was one of the organizations that helped protect Chen and bring him to America. The title of the painting is “Blind Man of Asia”. It is signed both on the front and the back of the 11×14 inch canvas board. The two pictures you see are photographs of the painting taken in indirect northern light and direct sunlight at noon. The painting was done with lightfast pigments from and should resist fading very well. The medium is pure cold pressed linseed oil mixed with various pigments all of which have an excellent lightfast rating.
The next painting is based on a photo of actress Jennifer Connelly with a few changes here and there to my liking. It is done entirely with only two pigments of genuine indian red hematite and titanium white which are incredibly lightfast. It is on stretched canvas measuring 12×12 inches. This ghostly image has a wonderful red earth-tone that looks great under both artificial and natural light. The title of this painting is Indian-Red Woman. It is signed on both the front and on the back. The two pictures are photos of the painting in indirect northern light and direct sunlight at noon. The medium is cold pressed linseed oil and pure pigment.